Quote Video Maker

Transform text into quote videos in minutes. Create custom, professional-quality content with AI

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Make eye-catching quote videos in a snap

Always on the lookout for engaging content ideas? Creating high-quality videos from scratch can be time-consuming. But VEED’s video maker lets you easily transform your favorite quotes into eye-catching videos. Unlock powerful features, all in one intuitive platform. Save valuable time and effort in your content creation process.

Our comprehensive video editor lets you produce professional-quality quote videos, even without advanced editing skills. Access our extensive library of stock videos or generate custom images using our AI background generator. Then, enhance your video with text presets, animation, music, and more.

How to make a quotes video:

Choose a template

Select one of our customizable quote video templates. Or, upload your own video or image to use as a background for your quote.

Add your quote and customize the text

Type in your quote and customize the text style, font, and color to match your brand. Choose from our variety of animation presets to make your quote come to life.

Export and share

Enhance your video with music, stickers, and motion graphics. When you’re happy with your video, export it in high quality and share it with your audience.

How to Add Text to a YouTube Video

Learn how to add text to video:

Easily animate text

Bring your chosen quote to life, ensuring it catches your audience's attention as they scroll through their social media feeds. Start with a video quote template from our templates library. Or start with a blank canvas, and transform static text into animation in just a few clicks. You can even auto-generate subtitles for customer testimonials.

Create custom images, no login needed

Create custom backgrounds for your motivational quotes. Simply type your text and generate an image with our AI background generator. You can dive right into seeing the tool in action, without upfront account setup getting in your way. Go ahead and give it a try. Once you've got an image you like, pop it into our video editor to customize your quote video.

Build a strong brand identity

Apply your logo and custom graphics across different posts. Our brand kit lets you upload your brand assets, which you can share with your team. And our video collaboration feature keeps everyone on the same page. With consistent and cohesive visuals, you can make sure your content stands out. Build a memorable brand and grow your online presence.


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What they say about VEED

Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen. Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.

Chris Y.

I love using VEED as the speech to subtitles transcription is the most accurate I've seen on the market. It has enabled me to edit my videos in just a few minutes and bring my video content to the next level

Laura Haleydt - Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers

The Best & Most Easy to Use Simple Video Editing Software! I had tried tons of other online editors on the market and been disappointed. With VEED I haven't experienced any issues with the videos I create on there. It has everything I need in one place such as the progress bar for my 1-minute clips, auto transcriptions for all my video content, and custom fonts for consistency in my visual branding.

Diana B - Social Media Strategist, Self Employed

More from VEED

More than a quote video creator

Our all-in-one, AI-powered video editor not only lets you create impactful quote videos but also expands your brand's video content strategy. From motivational videos to customer success stories and seasonal content, VEED empowers you to captivate your audience. Consistently deliver high-quality, engaging videos that set your brand apart and grow your business’ reach. Try VEED now.

Create a quote video
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