Greeting Video

Create personalized greeting videos, birthday video messages, and special shoutouts.

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Greeting video message templates, stock media, and more

Make your loved ones feel special with personalized greeting videos that you can make using VEED’s editing tools. Select a template and personalize it. Or use stock video footage from our stock media library. Celebrate special occasions with a greeting video and make their day outstanding. Add text to your videos, images, transitions, and captions.

How to make an greeting video online:

Upload or record

Upload your videos to VEED. You can also record one using our webcam recorder. Or you can select from our video templates and replace the placeholder video.


Edit and personalize your video by adding text, background music, images, and more. You can also choose additional media from our stock audio and video library.

Export or keep creating!

Export your video, or keep exploring our full range of tools to create your best and most engaging content!

Learn more about VEED’s online greeting video maker:

Let AI assist you in creating the best greeting video

If you want to create a unique gift to celebrate special moments, greeting videos are perfect for the occasion. Easily make greeting videos with the help of AI. Use our nifty magic cut tool that automatically removes and replaces your background, removes noise, and filler words.

Personalized video messages to download and share

It’s easy to personalize your greeting videos with our tools. Use our highly customizable templates. Edit your video clips and video footage’s resolution. Resize them for social media. You can add images of your class, voice recordings using our voiceover tool, and more.

Add transition effects to make it more special

Add transition effects to your video clips to highlight special moments. All you have to do is drag and drop the transition style into the Timeline between clips. This is perfect for creating and editing the perfect greeting video that you can share with your university or class!


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What they say about VEED

Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen. Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.

Chris Y.

I love using VEED as the speech to subtitles transcription is the most accurate I've seen on the market. It has enabled me to edit my videos in just a few minutes and bring my video content to the next level

Laura Haleydt - Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers

The Best & Most Easy to Use Simple Video Editing Software! I had tried tons of other online editors on the market and been disappointed. With VEED I haven't experienced any issues with the videos I create on there. It has everything I need in one place such as the progress bar for my 1-minute clips, auto transcriptions for all my video content, and custom fonts for consistency in my visual branding.

Diana B - Social Media Strategist, Self Employed

More from VEED

More than an online greeting video maker

VEED is so much more than just an online greeting video maker. Create stunning, professional-looking videos for your business, such as advertising videos, social media marketing videos, or presentation videos. Try VEED’s full suite of video editing tools today. Your one-stop solution for content creation!

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